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Can I be legally married by a celebrant?

No, celebrants don’t have the legal right to marry people in the UK. You’ll just need give your notice and book in at your local registry office to do the paperwork but you can save the important stuff like the vows and exchange of rings for the big day.

You can do this before or after the actual wedding (and you don't ever have to do it if it's not important to you!)

Is it more expensive to use a celebrant?

Not necessarily. Wedding venues are often so expensive because their license costs them a lot of money so if you choose to get married at an unlicensed venue, the overall cost can often be cheaper.


As a direct comparison, a celebrant is more expensive than a registrar but that's because of the time that goes into the personalisation of the ceremony. You won't usually meet your registrar until the day and you will have to follow a template script whereas a celebrant will spend months getting to know you and creating a bespoke ceremony.



Can we add specific religious, cultural or symbolic elements to the ceremony?

Absolutely, any element that you'd like to have included can be done. Religious passages, cultural traditions, rituals, songs and dances. This is your ceremony and we'll do it your way!


Symbolic ceremonies such as Ring Warming, Hand Fasting, Unity Candles, Sand Ceremonies and Tree Planting etc. can all be done too. I'm happy to walk you through what these involve too so you can decide if one of them is right for you.



Are there any couples you don't work with??

The only people I'd say no to are homophobes, racists and misogynists.

Where can I get married?

Absolutely anywhere - on a beach, on top of a mountain, in your back garden, at the zoo,  in your living room (or someone else's as long as they've said yes!).

Just bear in mind that having a back-up is a good idea in case of bad weather.


I can travel around the UK and internationally to perform your ceremony although this may come at an extra cost.

When can I get married?

Any time of the year, any time of the day. I can be there at midnight, midday and all the hours in between.

Can my pet come to the wedding?

If the venue is happy then I'll be ecstatic. I'm more than willing to keep some dog treats in my pocket to lure Rover the ring bearer down the aisle if needs be.

What about our vows?

I'm sure you're sensing a theme here but, again, this is completely up to you. You can write your own vows and make them as funny or romantic as you like or you can pick something more traditional. You'll have unlimited contact with me throughout to work on your vows if you wish.


If you're shy and nervous about the public speaking part of the ceremony then we can work together to get you more confident and do a rehearsal so you know what to expect.

Can we include hymns, music, readings and poems etc.?

Of course - we can incorporate as many of these elements as you like. Readings and poems are lovely way to get more people involved in the day and make sure the people who are most important to you can play a part in the day.


For the music, you'll need to organise the sound system/booking musicians if required.

What will you wear for the wedding?

My first question will be what colour the bridesmaids are wearing (if you're having them) because you don't want me up there looking like an accidental bridesmaid. 


I'll wear something smart and in-keeping with your wedding and am more than happy to run an outfit by you beforehand. 


If you're having a specific theme like a festival wedding then I'll make sure I've got some wellies and glitter paint.

How long will the ceremony last?

Usually between twenty and forty five minutes. This is highly dependent on the elements you choose to include such as any rituals, readings or songs.


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